A large front page image to make an immediate impact.

Large front page image

Integrates with the Revolution Slider Plugin for animated slide shows.

This plugin is sold separately from Code Canyon for $19.00

Revolution Slider

It also integrates with both Soliloquy Slider ($19) and Soliloquy Lite (Free)

Soliloquy Slider

Make your site changes using the built-in Customizer

The Customizer


Use the built-in Color Picker to customize your site.

Color Picker

Change your images the easy way. Just click “Change Image” and click one from your files.


Includes many templates to set up your site so it’s organized for your patients


Like the “About” sidebar template

The About Template

And the “New Patient” sidebar template

New Patient Template

And the “Appointment Sidebar” template

Appointment Template

And the “Thank You” template

Thank You Template

It has a Blog with a Widget-ized sidebar

Blog template

It has multiple custom sidebars for MailChimp, Aweber, or other email integration.

Custom Sidebars

And it reacts to screen size to work on tablets and phones

reactive design